In 2016, we decided to breed and set ourselves the great task of achieving our goal. However, we never wanted a default breeding, it should always be the fun. Because it is something beautiful!


The first steps were quite difficult, everything was so new :) but soon first frindships were found and with each new experience, it felt easier and better.


it is very important for us, that the handling in normal life and the education of the dog is good. Therefore, further education, seminars and advice are regularly attended and accepted. We look in ALL DIRECTIONS, for us, there is no Plan A. Every dog is different and needs its own handling. We work a lot with our animals because the education is not completed with the end of a dog school.


We also just want to achieve the goal in setting up a breeding, rather slow and well thought, as fast and probably faulty. We are getting closer and closer to our goal and we want to share it with you. We look forward to the future and all new things there to learn, explore and achieve!


Yvonne & Constantin Renz